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作者:小津 更新时间:2024-12-01



In League of Legends, playing as a Mecha member often requires a proper item build to maximize their potential on the battlefield. Knowing how to properly equip your Mecha champion can greatly impact the outcome of the game. Here, we will discuss the optimal item build for Mecha champions in League of Legends.

Choosing the Right Items:

When it comes to the Mecha champions in League of Legends, selecting the right items is crucial for their success. Here are some essential items that are commonly used for Mecha champions:

Titanic Hydra for Additional Burst Damage:

One of the key items for Mecha champions is Titanic Hydra. This item provides additional burst damage and helps with wave clear, making it a great choice for champions like Rumble and Kha'Zix. The active ability of Titanic Hydra can also be useful in team fights, allowing Mecha champions to deal significant damage to multiple enemies at once.

Black Cleaver for Armor Shredding:

Black Cleaver is another important item for Mecha champions, especially those who rely on physical damage. This item provides armor shredding capabilities, making it easier for Mecha champions to take down tanky opponents. Champions like Vi and Jayce can benefit greatly from the armor reduction and cooldown reduction provided by Black Cleaver.

Guardian Angel for Survivability:

Survivability is key for Mecha champions, and Guardian Angel is a great item to ensure they stay alive in team fights. The revive passive of Guardian Angel can give Mecha champions a second chance in battle, allowing them to continue dealing damage and supporting their team. Champions like Rengar and Aatrox can make good use of Guardian Angel to stay relevant in fights.

Building Situational Items:

In addition to the core items mentioned above, it's important for Mecha champions to build situational items based on the game's circumstances. Items like Sterak's Gage, Maw of Malmortius, and Randuin's Omen can be useful in certain matchups and situations. Mecha champions should always adapt their item build to counter the enemy team composition and to maximize their effectiveness in the game.


In conclusion, mastering the art of itemization is crucial for Mecha champions in League of Legends. By choosing the right items and adapting to the game's situation, players can enhance their performance and increase their chances of victory. With a well-thought-out item build, Mecha champions can dominate the battlefield and lead their team to success. Remember to experiment with different item combinations to find the best build for your favorite Mecha champion and always stay adaptable to the changing dynamics of the game.